Sunday, November 16, 2014

essay expansion proposal

My proposal for essay 5 to expand on another previous written essay is to expand on my mini essay number 4 about "advertisers taking advantage". For this paper I will work on addressing the who cares aspect of the essay, and metacommentaries. In the beginning when writing this essay I had many ideas which I could expand on and explain using the original article "What We Are to Advertisers" that the idea of my essay was based off of. Why this essay would be good to expand on is because there are groups which I mentioned but never explained in detail, also I could examine the concept of other medias of advertising and how they are effected online. For this I would use a scholarly article "Targeted Online Advertising: Using  Reciprocity Appeals to Increase Acceptance Among Users of Free Web Services". One other thing I could add to my paper in order to lengthen it is an article or possibly studies on the effect which these commercials have on consumers and decision making. These ideas could be addressed in the article, "Cross-Selling Performance in Complex Selling Contexts: An Examination of Supervisory- and Compensation-Based Controls".
  • social grouping in advertising
  • targeted advertising
  • advertising advantages
  • advertising effects on consumers
  • selling the consumer / cross advertising
  • effects of different forms of advertising
  • advertising injustice
  • advertising effectiveness
  • get rich quick schemes


  1. You could possibly use the trend 'Alex from Target' who people think was a possible advertising stunt. He was on the Ellen show

  2. Excellent start and an interesting suggestion from Jessica. I really like the idea of applying Twitchell to online advertising/ marketing. You might consider incorporating Solomon's essay as well, as it addresses why these techniques work rather than just defining the targeted categories.
